Saturday, February 9, 2013

birthday surprise 2012

This has been long overdue, but nevertheless I would like to share to all how I celebrated my birthday last March 2012. It was a time where I was dealing with things that have made me wonder what life has in store for me. Difficult time it is, but with the Grace of God I have surpassed another challenging chapter of my life

Patients in Tanzania
Going back to my birthday celebration, one day my friend and colleague Maria shared to me that our friend Pamela will be going to Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania a country in East Africa. It was not just for pleasure but she has unselfishly volunteered to serve in one of the orphanage where children has AIDS. They have decided to pitch in financially to buy stuffs that would be of benefit to those kids such as medicines, educational materials and toys. From there, I emailed my friends and told them that I was not going to celebrate my birthday but instead I will donate the money that I was supposed to use to treat them in some fancy restaurant.  Of course my friends did not object on that!

cooking in the old fashioned way
Making Banana BEER!!!
100+ woman weaving floor mats to sleep on 

It’s always a great feeling to share and help people who are less fortunate especially on my birthday. I usually do it on Christmas time though. 

I thought my birthday would be quiet, I was very touched when my friends surprised me in my office, brought me cake, flowers, gifts and food that we happily shared. It’s really great to have friends who take time and effort to remember you on your special day and make you extra special. I like surprising my friends on their birthday but I hate to be surprised, but on this instance, I loved every moment of it! My friends are like my family and I thank God for giving me such great friends!

GREAT FRIENDS! (not complete though ... ) 
Share with all your heart and according to your will! Sharing is not only on special occasions, it is not only in the form of money or material things, it is also sharing your time, effort and care to others. 

Thanks Pamela for the photos! :)