Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 34 : A song that would remind you of high school days

Vocals - France
Guitars - Annie
Guitars - Faye  
Bass Guitar - Aileen 
Drummer - Elaine 

These are my closest friends in high school, we all loved music and decided to form BB ... Beyond Belief Band.  We loved the song WITH OR WITHOUT  YOU by U2 and because of this song we all became closer to each other. We hang out in school, parties, practices, malling and just simply chit-chat at home and order LECHON MANOK and the famous Instant Noodles with Corned Beef (weird huh!). We had lots of fun and I surely miss these girls and I hope time will come that we will all see each other again! Oh by the way, we also have our private BB diary book ... ahahaha .... hope to read that again! 

I get to sing it again after ++ years the song With or Without You but with Musikalaya's acoustic rendition. Music has lived in my heart since i was maybe zero age .... no matter what era i am in, no matter what genre it is, music will always accompany me in my happiest, loneliest, craziest moments! Let the music take you .... 

enjoy the music! 

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